Some frequently asked questions ..... but if you don’t find the answer that you are looking for or would like to have a chat, please don't hesitate to get in touch.
What does pregnancy massage consist of?
Tara uses massage therapy specifically tailored for pregnancy, taking into account your stage of pregnancy and any individual concerns or personal requirements. Pregnancy massage is a combination of swedish massage techniques combined with lymphatic drainage and breath work.
What position will I be in during a pregnancy massage?
The best position for a massage during pregnancy is side-lying with your body positioned and supported with pillows and bolsters to ensure comfort and safety throughout the session. Working down one side of your body initially you'll then be asked to turn over onto your other side half way through to work the other side.
What about the luxury pregnancy massage?
The 90 minute luxury pregnancy massage will be delivered with with you lying on your side, turning onto your other side half way through. For the holistic facial you will be positioned in a semi - reclined position on the massage table for your facial.
Does my abdomen get massaged?
Yes, unless it is requested not to be.
What are the benefits of pregnancy massage?
There are multiple research studies that show the benefits of pregnancy massage for you and your baby. Studies indicate that pregnancy massage can:
- Reduce back pain
- Reduce joint pain
- Improve circulation
- Reduce edema (swelling)
- Reduce muscle tension and headaches
- Reduce stress and anxiety
- Improve oxygenation of soft tissue and muscles
- Better sleep.
How often should I have a massage when pregnant?
This is entirely up to you. If you are experiencing back and muscular pain, leg cramps, sleeplessness and/or swelling it is recommended coming once a month and once every two weeks in the last trimester.
Are there any circumstances when pregnancy massage is not advisable?
There are some instances when massage may not be appropriate. If you are experiencing a high risk pregnancy or have any health concerns please contact your midwife or GP before having a massage.